Yearly Archives: 2017

Myanmar: improving the management framework of the fisheries sector

Myanmar has a vibrant fishing and marine aquaculture industry that spans over a 3,000 km coastline. The nation's marine resources are damaged by the inadequacy of implemented management policies, illegal fishing and an administrative management that is no longer aligned with the fisheries sector's needs. As a result of the aforementioned issues, Myanmar wishes to…

Mauritania: F&S contribution to strengthening of fisheries surveillance

Since 2016, F&S is involved in a long-term cooperation with the KfW’s project in support of the Mauritanian Coast Guard (Garde Côte Mauritanienne - GCM). Within the framework of the Phase V of the KfW project, F&S carried out several support missions at the request of GFA, the German company in charge of implementing the…

Master Plan for the French Polynesia longline fishery

French Polynesia has jurisdiction over a EEZ of more than 5 million km². Logically, the fisheries sector is considered as an opportunity for growth and economy diversification. F & S experts have been selected by the Local Authorities and by AFD to prepare a master plan for the development of the high-sea longline fishery. This…