Recent Posts by Benoit Caillart

South West Indian ocean Regional Plan for Fisheries Surveillance

Since 2007, the Indian Ocean Commission, backed by the European Union, has implemented the Regional Plan for Fisheries Surveillance (PRSP) as part of a regional initiative to fight against IUU fishing. PRSP pools the surveillance officers, patrol vessels and airplanes of the IOC Member countries for regional joint deployment plans. PRSP has also set up…

PHILO Project : Strengthening the monitoring of the Philippines EEZ

The Philippines are pursuing a very active policy for improved monitoring of fisheries and marine environment. Through the PHILO project, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources plans to strengthen its decision-making capacities for exploitation of marine resources, coastal management and safety at sea. PHILO combines three types of functions : - Oceanographic and marine…

Recent changes in small pelagics exploitation patterns in Africa: what impacts ?

Exploitation patterns of sardinellas and other small pelagics species off North and West Africa have changed over the past few years, considering one the one hand the types of fishing fleets involved in the exploitation of this shared resource or the valorisation modes of catches and associated trade flows on the other hand. Recruited by…

The landing obligation : how to valorise the products ?

Pêcheurs de Bretagne, the largest Producer Organisation in France, decided to entrust F & S - Armeris to carry out a study on the valorisation of the products falling under the landing obligation implemented through article 15 of Regulation (EU) 1380/2013. This new rule will generated a flow of raw material likely to be treated…

EcoPort : Indonesia launches a modernisation process of its fishing harbours

F&S, as a subcontractor to Oceanic Developpement, completed the identification study of the EcoPort project in Indonesia. Five major fishing harbours have been selected for infrastructure works and to upgrade the environmental standards up to the ISO 14001 norm. This project, jointly funded by the French Agency for Development and the Government of Indonesia, will…

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