Evaluation of fishing agreements concluded between the EU and third countries

The European Union concludes Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPA) with third countries. These agreements provide a framework for access of European fishing vessels to the waters of the Coastal State concerned ; and for the pursuit of a partnership to support implementation of its national fisheries sectoral policy.

According to the Common Fisheries Policy basic Regulation, each agreement must be subject to an independent ex-post evaluation before its possible renewal. Evaluation reports are public and published on the DG MARE website. Evaluation conclusions are considered for the definition of the negotiation mandate given to the European Commission.

F&S, in association with its long-date partners Poseidon (UK) and MegaPesca (PT), has been selected by the European Commission to carry out these different evaluations under a multi-annual framework contract.

Started in 2017, the evaluation cycle concerned so far agreements concluded between the EU and (links to the evaluation reports) Kingdom of Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire, Sao-Tomé e Principe, Madagascar, Cabo Verde, Madagascar, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Sénégal, Seychelles, Liberia and Cook Islands. An ex-ante evaluation of a new agreement with The Gambia has been also realised.

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